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Luxury yacht sailing boat wedding

Written By aku aja on Sunday, 24 April 2016 | 21:55

Dowry money we free custom designed by a nominal expression by freely adjustable date. Your wedding will be more memorable, beautiful, romantic and elegant with a unique face that has meaning to become lasting memories.

Dowry is a common model of geese, award, flowers, birds, fish, the temple, calligraphy, puppets, unique, prewedding, bridal, photo, ship, fan, butterfly, emblem, logo, symbol, sea, silhouette, initials, coins , mosque, motorcycle, bicycle, seserahan, souvenirs, military, police, professions, engineering, balls and other free dowry models. With the nominal date of marriage, date invented, date of birth or other unique date.

Our shop can be made online or offline. Do not need to be expensive, but it can be immortalized so it has meaning and special memories and dowry only owned by a married couple only.

We also serve:
- Design Of The Money Dowry Various Models
- Ornamental Wedding Seserahan
- Souvenir Beautiful And Unique
- Unique And Inexpensive Wedding Invitations
- etc.

Jl. Raya Ponorogo km 1 ds. Kaibon, Geger, Madiun, indonesia
Hp whatsapp 0813-8248-8745 - bb 24e10205
www.maskawinmu.com or www.cantikmahar.blogspot.com

"the best of the dowry is the easiest (light)." (hr, al-hakim: in 2692, he said,
"this hadith is authentic based on the terms bukhari muslim.")


Uang, Uang Mahar, Uang Maskawin, Uang Mas Kawin, Jasa Mahar, Jasa Maskawin, Jasa Uang, Jasa Mas Kawin, Mahar Murah, Maskawin Murah, Rangkai Uang, Lipat Uang, Hias Uang, Mahar Unik, Maskawin Unik, Mas Kawin Unik, Uang Unik, Buat Mahar, Buat Maskawin, Buat Mas Kawin, Mahar Online

Desain uang mahar maskawin by custom dari kami bisa secara online maupun offline. Dengan model unik, cantik, romantis dan penuh kenangan. Nominal bebas disesuaikan tanggal, tidak perlu Mahal, tetapi bisa diabadikan sehingga mempunyai makna dan kesan tersendiri sehingga mahar hanya dimiliki oleh 1 orang saja. 

Melayani :
- Desain uang mahar maskawin berbagai model
- Hias hantaran seserahan
- Souvenir cantik dan unik
- Undangan pernikahan unik dan murah
- dll

Toko Nizar Mahar
jl. Raya Ponorogo Km 1 Ds. Kaibon Madiun
081382488745  Whatsapp
pinbb  24E10205

Terimakasih sudah menginformasikan keberadaan cantikmahar.blogspot.co.id pada keluarga, teman, kerabat dan tetangga anda. Kami tunggu mahar anda menghiasi web kami

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